

SHA-256 sums SHA-256 sum f232219f0648b9126d8d890be217a77a02110ca10564d691e72a71f57249fe5a SHA-256 sum d0f350c5e6d624d7da16ce890cd99198431ec1d75039233bfc4d74445e3c4227

revision history

2024-07-25 - 0.17.1 - clean up code regarding arguments/parameters that are positional or by name - removed several fields from object.BuiltIn; using object.Signature for most - updated compiler and vm to allow "required by name" parameters (though not implemented in parser) 2024-07-23 - 0.17.0 - added optional parameters to compiled functions (not to be confused with parameter expansion, which is still positional) - changed how parameters/arguments are dealt with for compiled functions - changed OpClosure to OpFunction, with another operand to indicate a count for default values to be determined at run-time - updated lexer to allow number continuation on next line (see website for syntax) - added PreBuilder interface to ast, for times when a node can be converted directly to an Object, instead of making more instructions for the VM; added PreBuild() method to some node types

A full revision history is included in the download. See also the revisions and breaking changes.


Langur uses the Apache license 2.0.